Creating a group

Here, you'll see how you can create a group, and then manage permissions on it! Click on the images to enlarge them!

Pro feature

Custom domains are only available for projects on the Pro or Advanced plan.

Creating a Group:

  1. Firstly, Select the "Groups" option from the sidebar, on the Centox Administrator Panel.

  1. By Default, you will only see two groups, "Default" & "Administrator".

  2. To create a new group, Click on the "+" icon beside the "Groups" heading on the Groups Management Sidebar.

  3. Give your group a unique name. Also give your group a color. (This doesn't have to be unique). You will see a preview of how to group name would look like below the Group Color Settings. For this instance, we will name the group "Staff", & set the color to "Pink".

  4. Click the "Create" Button, and Viola! Your group has been created!

Last updated